Taper Section was born out of the necessity for a Grateful Dead concert replay application with a simple, updated UI that reflects the aesthetics of cassettes being used during the 70s, 80s, & 90s.
For This System, I Allow Users To:
1. Access their favorite shows, tapers, library, updates, recently played, and recommendations all in one place.
2. Switch between finding a show based on years or a song based on frequency played, etc.
3. Leave a review on a show.
4. Search for a particular taper, show, venue, or song.
5. Land on a space after clicking on the desired option in the search bar.
6. Navigate through the four facets of the Taper Section (Year, Song, Venue, Taper).
7. Learn information, like songs, and review setlists all while listening to the current show.
8. Enjoy other user reviews.
9. Access the songs they’ve saved, make playlists, and explore the many sections of Songs, Playlists, and Shows.
10. Enjoy the hard work of taper’s past while solving the problem of sifting through roughly 2082 shows.